Special Workshops
Please mark your calendars for when Masters Helen Liang and Chenhan Yang visit for workshops: October 6, 7, and 8. All of the workshops will be at the Mt Lebanon Recreation Center. The schedule will be:
- Friday 7-9 PM Qigong
- Saturday 9-11:30 T’ai Chi 24 Form
- Saturday 1-3:30 T’ai Chi 24 Form
- Sunday 9-12 T’ai Chi 24 Form
Included below are video excerpts from Helen Liang’s Qigong for Cancer DVD (which is the #1 Exercise Bestseller on Amazon), an excerpt from her 24 Movement DVD (#2 on Amazon!), and her father, with whom I have trained, doing the 24 movement:
Simplified 24 Form: Helen Liang
Qigong For Cancer: Helen Liang
The One Pine Institute website is up and running (www.onepine.org) and soon you will be able to register for the October workshops directly on line and pay for them with a debit or credit card.
Registration for the workshops is tax-deductible and is a charitable donation!